• Professor Michaéla Schippers was interviewed in Jort Kelder's radio talk show about the new 'lockdown light' version. According to Schippers the lockdowns and the policy responses to COVID 19 cause much more harm than the virus itself. Schippers unfolds how the policy has disastrous side effects.

  • Three years of crisis were used to justify the concentration of powers and suppression of freedoms that must be clawed back. The loss of basic freedoms was celebrated as a victory for public health, even as the loss of basic freedoms probably made public health outcomes worse in several countries. Many citizens of the United States and other democracies saw their businesses shutter, their life’s work disappear, and were not allowed to visit sick and dying loved ones or to even attend their burials. Younger generations were probably affected most, as students saw their schools close and their social lives thwarted with consequences we won’t fully understand for many years.

  • On October 5, 2020, Eva Jinek hosted a talk show with Michaéla Schippers, Diederik Gommers (Intensive Care physician and Outbreak Management Team member), Ernst Kuipers (Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport of The Netherlands) and Hanneke Schuitemaker (Professor of Virology). Demonstrating their contempt for people who dared to question the corona response policy, Michaela Schippers was not invited to sit at the table with Eva Jinek and the other guests, but offered a "back bench" for covid security reasons.

  • Michaéla Schippers, in collaboration with Assistant professor in Clinical Ethics Erwin Kompanje, published the paper For the Greater Good? The Devastating Ripple Effects of the Covid-19 Crisis.

  • 28 changes to make in your 20s to set yourself up for lifelong success